Outreach Kit for SDMC Architecture
Task: Create an interesting “kit” which would be sent to local high schools informing students of the amazing Architecture Program San Diego Mesa College has to offer.
Final Deliverable: Working closely with the faculty of the San Diego Mesa College Architecture Department I came up with a kit that demonstrated some of the remarkable abilities of the college, as well as an informational video that gave students an idea of what being an architecture student at SDMC would entail.
Kit Contents:
4 Minute Video on custom flash drive
2x Custom Poster
Custom Postcards
8x Modular Man 3D printed Trinket
Custom Branded Pens
Custom Packaging Included Laser Cut inserts / Graphics
Architecture Department Video
During early development meetings for this project, the original idea was to include a PowerPoint presentation showcasing work from students and explaining a little about the program as well. As the project went on it was apparent that a PowerPoint was not something that would grab the attention of high school aged kids. I proposed shooting a video instead. This would be a way the kids could really see what the school was like through compelling visual story telling. The movie I ended up making includes sweeping drone shots of the Architecture campus, students hard at work on projects, examples of student work and a narrative thoughtfully told by the professors that make up the SDMC Architecture department.